Monday, August 13, 2007

Scuba Diving & Snorkeling

In this island, there is a great variety of reef types and diving & snorkeling sites of unspoiled beauty you can see and behold. Much of them are unexplored and it is easily accessible by motor boat and small bancas. The reef is like a gigantic wall running around its star-shaped coast of the island. They are shallow and sandy waters, excellent for diving and snorkeling activities.

While much of the sea flora and fauna is similar throughout the reef system of the entire island, there are individual differences to be found everywhere. A particular type of fish may be seen on almost every dive every where.

Hard corals, gorgonians, sea fans, tunicates, and shellfish of amazing variety populate the coastal waters.
Similarly, there are areas where school of fish are known to shoal of many varieties; others are dotted stingrays prolific during mating season, that some of them are easily trapped by net at night during full moon. Also, divers can reasonably expect to see a sea cow or “dugong” during their visit. Gray sharks are seen occasionally, but lucky sightings are rare.

Sibale Island is justly ideal for tourist attraction, and the factor that most contributes to this is the unbelievably superb diving & snorkeling conditions. During summer, all designated dive sites are easily accessible, combined with excellent weather conditions, clear warm water, in the unlikely chance that a diving accident should occur.


MERWIN said...

I personally thank Mr. Joey M. Fradejas of these photos uploaded on this blog site... God bless! Very nice pictures!

JMFradejas said...

Thanks Merwin for the acknowledgment